Channel: Salomondrin
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: vehicle virginsdaily vlogslamborghinisolana0-60mphjay leno's garagegrand tourjay lenos garageeconimicsaccelerationethereumtop gearvlogsreviewpodcastjucafirst drivemr jwwtutorialcarfectionhyper 5funnyroad testmotor trendmo vlogsreal estateexhaustferraristock marketentrepreneurshipgary vaynerchukcryptosalomondrinbuzzfeedvideosalomundogaryveestreetspeed717hit it pedrojoe rogannftcar throttlebangin gearsbitcoin
Description: My G’s! Lots of people talk about how the EVIL ALGORITHM is killing everyone, yet no one can do a simple explanation of how and what we go through, as humans, while interacting on the daily the way we do. The effects that we suffer from navigating social media without a real guide or a list of useful tips is creating a lot of depression, anxiety, and massive insecurities in everyone! We go over why this happens and how we can fight it, while still having fun! Man…. I’m too old for this shirt! Check out "I'm Too old For This Shirt!" on your favorite podcast platform! Spotify Podcasts: Apple Podcasts: